Features :
- Board can control two motors seperately.
- Deliver 2A current per channel.
- Internal regulator is available.
- High temperature and shortcut protection is avaliable.
- LEds, which light according motor direction, are available.
- Internal cooler is available.
- Current sense pins are available as emitted.
- Four screw holes are available at four sides of board.
Pin Mapping:
- ENA: Pin is used for left motor activation
- IN1: Left motor 1. input
- IN2: Left motor 2. input
- IN3: Right motor 1. input
- IN4: Right motor 2. input
- ENB: Pins is used for motor channel activation
- MotorA: Left motor output
- MotorB: Right motor output
- VCC: Supply voltage input(4.8V-24V)
- GND: Ground connection
- 5V: 5V output
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